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Product data sheets / Safety data sheets.

Details of our cylin­der gases and their product in­for­ma­tion, product or safety data sheets can be found West­falen Flaschen­gase Onlineshop.

To the Cylinder Gases Online Shop

REACH: Information SVHC-Substances.

REACH stands for "Regis­tra­tion, Eva­lua­tion, Au­tho­risa­tion and Re­stric­tion of Che­micals". The EU Che­micals Re­gula­tion (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH Re­gula­tion) re­gulates the con­ditions under which che­micals may be marke­ted and used in Europe. On the follow­ing page we provide in­forma­tion accord­ing to Article 33 of the REACH Re­gula­tion on SVHC sub­stan­ces and West­falen products con­taining them. 

REACH-Information for SVHC-Substances


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